SPACE RENTAL PAYMENT: Applicable $100 deposit per city must accompany the application. All deposits are non-refundable. Early Booking Bonus final payment is due by September 30th. Failure to pay by this deadline will automatically increase your rate to the regular rate. Final balance is due 90 days in advance of the event. If not received by the deadline, Exhibitor waives all rights to the space contracted and space will not be guaranteed.
90 days+ prior to the event: Loss of Deposit
90 – 31 days prior to the event: 50% loss
30 days or less prior to the event: 100% loss
Booth space must be cancelled in writing. If the cancellation is a result of Covid-19 regulations that make it impossible to hold live events, we reserve the right to move the event to virtual or postpone the live date. In this case, your final payment will convert to a future co-op marketing credit and can be used for any co-operative marketing efforts with Bigworld Travel Marketing for two years.
SUBLETTING POLICY: The exhibitor in no way shall assign, sublet or apportion the whole or any part of the space allocated to the Exhibitor.
ASSIGNMENT OF EXHIBIT SPACE: The Show Management will allocate space on a ‘first come first serve’ basis and reserves the right to located exhibitors at their will. The Show Management cannot be held liable if competitive exhibitors are adjacent to or opposite each other but all efforts will be made by them to allocate space on a basis fair to all exhibitors.
SET-UP: All Exhibitors must be fully set up no later than 4:30 PM. No major changes to displays are permitted during the public show hours. We reserve the right to remove your booth at 100% loss if it is not set-up by 5 PM. The Show Management is under no liability to the Exhibitor for any loss or damage which may be caused thereby or as a result of the booth being left unattended.
BOOTH ATTENDENCE: Every booth must have an exhibitor present at all times during the Exhibition. The Exhibitor is responsible of keeping their area clean and orderly throughout the event.
ARRANGEMENT OF EXHIBITS: Displays must not protrude beyond the measured booth dimensions, not obstruct a clear view of the neighboring booths, and may not be taller than 8 feet height except in specified areas. Exhibitors may not attach the displays to walls, structural supports, ceiling or flooring in the exhibit building. No unfinished surfaces shall be exposed.
DISMANTLING AND REMOVAL: No exhibitor shall dismantle or remove any part of their display before the time schedule as specified in the Exhibitors Manual for ANY REASON. Exhibitors who begin to or do dismantle or remove any or part of their display before the close time as scheduled in the Exhibitors Manual may be charged a $250 disruption fee and may not be welcomed back in the next show. Any material remaining after the cut off time may be removed by the Show Management and either discarded or shipped back to the Exhibitor at the Exhibitor’s expense.
CHARACTER AND CONDUCT: All displays and promotional literature must be in good taste. The product or service must be presented in a professional manner, no carnival tactics, or side show type come-on will be permitted. Only the products and/or services described in the application will be allowed. Free samples may be distributed but orders for products may not be taken and merchandise may not be sold. Raffles or Giveaways must only be presented by the Show Management. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the exhibit hall. If, in the opinion of the Show Management, an exhibitor or their agents conducts themselves in an objectionable manner, they will be liable at the sole discretion of Show Management to immediate expulsion from the show. In such circumstances, Show Management will not be liable for any damage or loss to the Exhibitor or the person expelled, nor will there be any refund on rental fees.
NOISE AND MACHINERY: Show Management shall have the right to stop the display, demonstration or the running of an engine, machinery, loudspeakers, microphones, amplifiers, musical instruments, radios, televisions etc. which by causing vibration, noise, smoke, smell or any of them considered to be a nuisance. The exhibitor shall not have at their stand or exhibit or display at the Exhibition any explosive, inflammable, obscene or noxious nature. Show Management reserves the right to refuse or terminate the exhibit or sale of any article which they may in their discretion deem unsuitable or objectionable or deceptive to purchasers.
GENERAL SHOW AREA: All lobbies, corridors, aisleways, restrooms, food and beverage concessions, and special assembly rooms will be considered as general show areas to be used for the movement and flow of the public and/or for their entertainment and convenience. No Exhibitor will be permitted to use these areas for the display or distribution of products, services, or their attendant literature.
ADVERTISING: Exhibitors may advertise their attendance at the Romance Travel Show but the web-site must be present in all and any advertising. Show Management must be notified in advance of the intended advertisement or promotion. The Exhibitor grants Show Management the right to use the name of the Exhibitor as part of its advertising in so far as to say that Exhibitor will be participating at the show.
PRIZE DRAWS, PROMOTIONAL GIVE-AWAYS: All draw prizes provided by exhibitors must be given to the Show Management during the set-up time of each show. A prize giveaway sheet must be filled out completely and accompany the gift. The Show Management reserves the right to present and award the prize at any time they deemed fit. Promotional give-aways (without the requirement to enter a draw) can be given out at the Exhibitor’s stand. Show Management reserves the right to refuse any prize draws and promotional giveaways.
ATTENDEE LISTS: Only the Show Management can collect attendees contact information. If an Exhibitor is found to have collected an attendee’s contact information, they will immediately be banned from future events at full loss. If an attendee asks for your contact information, it is preferred to give them a Romantic Planet Vacations business card to be their direct point of contact. Romantic Planet Vacations is your travel agency partner in this event. It is their role to follow-up, secure reservations and sell to your destination, resort or product.
BADGES AND PASSES: Exhibitors badges will be issued only to people named on the Exhibitor Application or such other persons as may be approved by Show Management. There will be a $40 replacement fee for any lost or stolen badges.
SECURITY, SAFETY, FIRE AND HEALTH: The Exhibitor will assume responsibility for compliance will local, city and provincial safety and health ordinances regarding installation and the operation of their Exhibit. Exhibitor shall be properly insured for same. Exhibitors are liable for the security of their own possessions. The Show Management cannot be held liable for any lost or stolen items but will take the best steps in ensuring a safe environment including locking the doors of the exhibition halls before and after hours and only allowing exhibitors with badges in during set-up and takedown hours.
SHOW MANAGEMENT LIABILITY AND EXHIBITORS INSURANCE: Show Management shall not under any circumstances whatsoever be liable or responsible for (a) any loss, damage, theft or destruction whatsoever or howsoever caused to any goods, equipment or any other property belonging to the Exhibitor or for which the Exhibitor is responsible (b) any damage or injury suffered by the Exhibitor or his servants or agents or by any other person (c) any loss, damage, injury, or cost whatsoever suffered by the Exhibitor by reason of any change in the date, time or place of the Exhibition or the abandonment thereof. The Exhibitor shall be liable for all losses, damage, injury, claim costs and expenses whatsoever or howsoever caused to any person or property in any circumstances whatsoever by the Exhibitor, his servants or agents or the good, exhibits, fittings, machinery and other property belonging or rented to the Exhibitor of for which the Exhibitor is responsible and the Exhibitor hereby agrees to indemnify the Show Management in respect of (a) any such loss, damage, injury claims, costs and expenses as foresaid. Exhibitor agrees to provide Show Management with a certificate if insurance for a minimum of $5,000,000.00 General Liability Coverage inclusive of bodily injury and/or property damage for each occurrence. Bigworld Travel Marketing Group Inc. and the building must be named as additional insured in respect to the operation of the show. If Show Management should be prevented from holding the show by any cause beyond its control or if it cannot permit the Exhibitor to occupy their rented space due to circumstances beyond its control including, but not limited to, strike, fire, civil disobedience, inclement weather, lockouts, acts of God, suppliers and Show Management shall have no further obligation or liability to the Exhibitor. Any contractual agreements made between an Exhibitor and any supplier shall be between those parties and the Show Management shall not be a party thereto no incur any liability on behalf of any one Exhibitor in such
contractual arrangements. The Exhibitor shall at his own expense employ the official appointed contractors as stated in the brochure for the show in respect of electrical work or set-up. The Exhibitor shall not interfere with any of the services carried out in respect of the show premises.
GENERAL: All matters and questions not covered by these Rules and Regulations are subject to the decision of Show Management. In addition, the Show Management shall have full discretion in the interpretation and enforcement of all rules contained herein and the authority to make such amendments thereto and such further rules and regulations governing the conduct of the participation in the show as it shall consider necessary for the proper presentation of the show. Exhibitor agrees to abide by all decisions of Show Management and further agrees to cease any activity that the Show Management deems to be a violation of the terms and to follow the directive of Show Management.